06 August 2022

When looking up things in the offical AWS Docs, code examples often still refer to AWS SDK version 1. Whereas the latest version of the SDK is version 2 and completly different API-wise. Same so the other day when I needed to find out how to generate an IAM token to access the AWS RDS Aurora database.

Digging through a Github issue and a pull-request lead me to the solution:

import software.amazon.awssdk.auth.credentials.DefaultCredentialsProvider;
import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.rds.RdsUtilities;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.rds.model.GenerateAuthenticationTokenRequest;

public class IamTokenGenerator {

    public static String retrieveIamToken(String hostname, int port, String username) {
        RdsUtilities rdsUtilities = RdsUtilities.builder()
        GenerateAuthenticationTokenRequest tokenRequest = GenerateAuthenticationTokenRequest.builder()
        return rdsUtilities.generateAuthenticationToken(tokenRequest);

The following dependency is needed (RdsUtilities was only introduced in 2.16.3!):

implementation 'software.amazon.awssdk:rds:2.16.3'

Maybe this can save someone a few minutes.