11 April 2018
These are my personal notes on getting familiar with MicroProfile 1.3. In specific Metrics 1.1.
As a basis, I have been using the tutorial on OpenLiberty.io.
Not suprising, I am using OpenLiberty (version The server.xml
which serves as the starting-point is described here.
I am just listing the used features here:
Some differences:
is used, as Java EE 8 seems not to be supported yet by the release builds.
to enable all features as part of MicroProfile 1.3
As a starting-point for the actual project I am using my Java EE WAR template.
To get all MicroProfile 1.3 dependencies available in your gradle-build, you can add the following provided-dependency:
providedCompile 'org.eclipse.microprofile:microprofile:1.3'
Now lets write a simple Rest-service to produce some metrics.
public class MagicNumbersResource {
static int magicNumber = 0;
@Counted(name = "helloCount", absolute = true, monotonic = true, description = "Number of times the hello() method is requested")
@Timed(name = "helloRequestTime", absolute = true, description = "Time needed to get the hello-message")
public void setMagicNumber(Integer num) throws InterruptedException {
magicNumber = num;
@Gauge(unit = MetricUnits.NONE, name = "magicNumberGuage", absolute = true, description = "Magic number")
public int getMagicNumber() {
return magicNumber;
I am using:
A @Timed
metric that records the percentiles and averages for the duration of the method-invocation
A @Counted
metric that counts the number of invocations
A @Gauge
metric that just takes the return-value of the annotated method as the metric-value.
Now deploy and invoke curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "42" http://localhost:9080/mptest/resources/magic
. (This assumes the application/WAR is named mptest
Now open http://localhost:9080/metrics in the browser. You should see the following prometheus-formatted metrics:
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_rate_per_second gauge
application:hello_request_time_rate_per_second 0.1672874737158507
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_one_min_rate_per_second gauge
application:hello_request_time_one_min_rate_per_second 0.2
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_five_min_rate_per_second gauge
application:hello_request_time_five_min_rate_per_second 0.2
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_fifteen_min_rate_per_second gauge
application:hello_request_time_fifteen_min_rate_per_second 0.2
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_mean_seconds gauge
application:hello_request_time_mean_seconds 2.005084111
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_max_seconds gauge
application:hello_request_time_max_seconds 2.005084111
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_min_seconds gauge
application:hello_request_time_min_seconds 2.005084111
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_stddev_seconds gauge
application:hello_request_time_stddev_seconds 0.0
# TYPE application:hello_request_time_seconds summary
# HELP application:hello_request_time_seconds Time needed to get the hello-message
application:hello_request_time_seconds_count 1
application:hello_request_time_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 2.005084111
application:hello_request_time_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 2.005084111
application:hello_request_time_seconds{quantile="0.95"} 2.005084111
application:hello_request_time_seconds{quantile="0.98"} 2.005084111
application:hello_request_time_seconds{quantile="0.99"} 2.005084111
application:hello_request_time_seconds{quantile="0.999"} 2.005084111 (1)
# TYPE application:magic_number_guage gauge
# HELP application:magic_number_guage Magic number
application:magic_number_guage 42 (3)
# TYPE application:hello_count counter
# HELP application:hello_count Number of times the hello() method is requested
application:hello_count 1 (2)
This is one of the percentiles from @Timed
. Due to the sleep, it is close to two seconds.
This metrics is based on @Counted
. We invoked the method once via curl.
This metric is based on the @Gauge
. We did a post with curl to set the magicNumber
to 42. So, this is what the gauge will get from getMagicNumber()
As a final note: I like the Java EE-approach of having a single dependency to develop against (javax:javaee-api:7.0
I have used the same approach here for the Microprofile.
If you instead only want to enable the metrics-feature in Liberty and only want to program against the related API, you can instead have used the following feature in the server.xml
And the following dependency in your build.gradle
providedCompile 'org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics:microprofile-metrics-api:1.1'
I find this approach more cumbersome if multiple MicroProfile APIs are used; and the neglectable difference in startup-time of Liberty confirms that there is no disadvantage.
In a later post we will look at what can be done with the metrics.